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Policy Possibilities as Storylines

Our Interactivity Foundation project discussions focus on developing contrasting conceptual policy possibilities as different ways that our society might approach an area of emerging social and political concern. At first blush this sounds a bit too technical for...

Two Lessons for Better Group Thinking

One of the most important features of Interactivity Foundation discussion projects is the emphasis on exploring contrasting perspectives and developing contrasting policy possibilities. Along the way to doing this, panelists need to practice being open to...

Playing with Metaphors

When IF project panels are beginning the transition to generating public policy ideas, I’ve found it helpful to have the panelists explore different metaphors for thinking about the policy area. Metaphors can capture a distinct vision of what the policy area, or...

What makes IF reports unique?

First, IF reports neither make recommendations nor aim for consensus. Most of the public policy reports produced today end with a list of things that must be done to avert Armageddon. It is true that IF reports often include lists of ‘possible implementations’, but...

IF Discussion Reports as Lightweight Batons

IF’s public discussion Reports are akin to the curricular materials that all teachers rely on—with two critical differences.  First, citizens--no less than experts—have a say in what IF Reports say.  Second, and even more importantly, the end of IF Reports is to...