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Jeff Prudhomme

Toward a More Perfect Union–Session Four of Four

Imagine you wake up in the future, say twenty-five or so years from now. As you look around and talk to people, you realize that so many of our current concerns about the health of our democracy have been successfully answered. In many ways, it's an optimal...

Toward a More Perfect Union–Session Three of Four

What comes to mind when you think of democracy? What kinds of concerns come to mind when you think about what it takes to be a healthy democratic society? These were the basic questions that animated the third of our four-part community conversation series "Toward...

Toward a More Perfect Union–Session Two of Four

Exploring the role of information in a healthy democracy What role does information play in democratic society? What questions and concerns do we face about information in our democracy? For the second community conversation in our four-part "Toward a More Perfect...