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What is Poetry?

When Robert Frost was asked ‘What is poetry?’ he replied ‘Poetry is the kind of thing that poets write’. A natural response to such a definition might be a knowing smile and a barrage of questions that try to get at the core of what poetry is or what it might be....

Jobs and the Future of a College Education?

What is the future of a college education in the USA? The recent economic downturn seems to have sharpened the already well-known trend toward seeing a college education largely in terms of enhancing one's economic security. And as our uncertain economic times...

A Sense of Relief

Now that it's been well over a month since my last post, it's hard to know how to sum up all the things that have happened.  I'll start at the conclusion: Thursday was the last day of my IF course.  All 15 of our first-year seminars are invited to participate in...

Talent is Liquified Trouble

Sydney Pollack's phrase in reference to Frank Gehry that "talent is liquified trouble" may be helpful in thinking about the ways participants in sanctuary-style discussions may be troubled and frustrated as they engage in creative thinking.