Interactivity Foundation

Encouraging Bold Imagination

Photo by sebastiaan stam on Unsplash

Telling the History of the Future

Dear collaborative discussion friends,

This week we are highlighting an activity designed to help discussion participants imagine beyond what they currently think is possible. Sometimes problems seem so big or so entrenched — so “natural” that alternative realities are hard to even imagine. This activity encourages discussants to be bold, dream big and then work backwards to figure out the pathway for getting to their ideal future vision. By imagining an ideal future, this activity helps discussants to seek out the positive potential in the present.

This activity can be found in the Creative Collaboration Module, contributed by Jeff Prudhomme, Vice President and Fellow of the Interactivity Foundation.

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This week’s activity:

Activity 2.8 – Encouraging Bold Imagination

How to boldly imagine alternative futures

This activity helps participants approach complex topics from a place of strength and optimism. It helps them come up with creative solutions to complex problems that might seem intractable at the moment. This playful activity moves them away from a mindset that is limited by a sense of weakness and a focus on deficits to one of bold possibilities.

Imagine an Ideal Future

First, select a topic that is of pressing concern to your discussion group. It should be a topic that they are struggling to imagine in any other way than it currently exists.

Next, set the scene by using a time travel framework. Ask participants to imagine that they have traveled into the future. You can specify a certain number of years or leave this open ended. Explain that they are stepping out of a time machine and entering a future scene where the problem or topic that you have identified has been solved.

Use the following prompts to help the group envision this future:

Allow everyone 5 minutes to write down some of their responses.

Pro tip: Participants are often drawn towards dystopian visions. You may need to remind them to imagine their desired or ideal future, even if it does not seem realistic or feasible.

Share Different Visions of an Ideal Future

In small groups or as a full group, have each participant share a very brief description of their ideal future. Remind participants that they do not need to agree on a single vision and that a diversity of ideas is valuable. You can collect ideas on a flipchart or white board. Try grouping similar ideas together.

Invite participants to share a brief description of their vision:

After an initial round of sharing, invite participants to discuss the different visions and build on each other’s ideas, reminding them once again that these visions for the future are not bound by the limits of reality or likelihood.

Bridge to the Future

Next, ask the group to shift their thinking from imagining this future to achieving this future. Ask: How do we get to this ideal future?

Invite participants to “tell the history of the future.” That is, start to co-imagine the story that got us to this future. You might ask:

This part of the activity can be explored in as much detail, or as little, according to how much time you have. For a session that lasts about an hour, participants might roughly sketch out a few milestones from the present to this ideal future. If there is more time, they can get more playful and draw mock timelines with key newspaper headlines to lay out a more detailed vision of the changes over the years. Some discussion groups have even drawn images of the future during this activity.

Debrief as a Full Group

Discuss the different versions of the future:

In addition to these debriefing questions, the full description of Activity 2.8 Encouraging Bold Imagination also includes reflection questions, a practice journal prompt and additional resources to help participants dive deeper.

If you try out this activity, please share with us what you think:

Rate Activity 2.8

We hope this toolkit activity helps participants think creatively and come up with innovative solutions to a complex problem, building a sense of optimism about the present and the future.

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Looking forward to collaborating,

Ritu Thomas & Shannon Wheatley Hartman

Co-Author: Ritu Thomas
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