Interactivity Foundation

In the Future, “Digital Natives” Won’t Read News

New Media Days 2010-39 by Conference Basics, some rights reserved; CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Last Thursday’s business section of the NYTimes included a brief article that spoke volumes about the changing landscape for the news media.  The headline in the print edition was innocuous and somewhat opaque:  “Journalist at Reuters Joins Fusion in Web Role.”  (The online edition’s headline is now a bit different:  “Felix Salmon to Take on Web-Based Role at Fusion).  In either case, what?

As the article almost explains, a leading journalist is leaving Reuters to join a “multiplatform, digital-first cable network, which is trying to reach an audience that is digital native.” Whatever else this may mean, it’s clear that I’m not sufficiently a member of the “digital native” target audience.

A couple things that are somewhat more clear are Mr. Salmon’s convictions that communicating “in the ways people are going to consume information in the future”–

For better or worse and assuredly different, I suspect he’s right.  Now I just have to find some “data visualization stuff” that will say that.


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