Interactivity Foundation

Practicing Collaboration with Others

Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash

Let’s play with some LEGOs!

Dear collaborative discussion friends,

This week we are highlighting an activity that uses tactile play to enhance collaboration. By engaging participants in a playful activity while discussing an important issue, it encourages them to listen from an open and collaborative frame of mind. This further enhances how participants work together to incorporate different ideas into a shared vision for implementing changes in their community, workplace, or on their campus.

This activity is contributed by Evan Weissman, Founder & Executive Director of Warm Cookies of the Revolution, and is one of the many activities in the Civic Collaboration Module.

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This week’s activity:

Activity 5.7 – Practicing Collaboration with Others

How to use tactile activities to enhance collaborative discussion

This activity uses play to make discussing serious topics more fun and interesting. It also improves collaboration by involving participants in collectively building a city out of LEGOs to create a synergetic and creative environment in which to explore initiatives related to a particular topic.

Prepare for the Activity

This is an in-person activity that can be done as part of a class, workshop, or community event. Use this Warm Cookies of the Revolution Event Checklist to help prepare for this activity. The main item needed for this activity is a set of LEGOs.

Set up a large table (or group together multiple desks) and lay out the LEGOs in the center of the table with chairs all around.

Select a Topic and Three Presenters

Select a topic that is important to your discussion group, something they are passionate about. Alternatively, you could discuss existing programs or new initiatives that they would like to introduce. As preparation for this activity, consider Activity 5.1 Identifying Your Civic Passion.

Also, select three participants who will be presenting pitches for keeping, getting rid of, or “flirting” with initiatives or programs. These might be initiatives or programs for the proposed city that groups are building together. Explain to them that they will have 5 minutes to describe what their proposal is and why they think it should be implemented. Pro tip: if possible, select these three participants in advance and encourage bold, divergent proposals.

Start Collaboratively Building a City out of LEGOs

Have participants sit around the table and invite them to start building their version of an ideal city together using the LEGOs. Explain to them that while they work on building this city, they will also listen to the three participants who were selected to present their pitches and then discuss the ideas as a full group.

Present Three Pitches

Invite the selected participants to present their pitches, giving them a heads up as they get close to the 5 minute mark.

Share Responses and Ideas in a Lightning Round

Next, invite the rest of the participants to share their own ideas or responses to the pitches in 2 minute elevator speeches. This round is meant to be fast, fun, and playful. Remind participants to keep working on building their LEGOs city together while listening to others share their ideas. Encourage participants to use “yes, and…” to build on each other’s ideas and collaboratively create a shared vision (Activity 2.6 Building on the Ideas of Others).


Reflect on the ideas shared and discuss:

In addition to these debriefing questions, the full description of Activity 5.7 Practicing Collaboration with Others also includes reflection questions, a practice journal prompt and additional resources to help participants dive deeper.

If you try out this activity, please share with us what you think:

Rate Activity 5.7

We hope this toolkit activity helps participants approach serious topics from a creative and playful perspective, improving how they work together to incorporate different ideas and viewpoints into a shared vision for their campus, community, or workplace.

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Looking forward to collaborating,

Ritu Thomas & the Collaborative Discussion Team

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