Interactivity Foundation

Imagining the End of American Democracy – 3rd of 3 sessions in this community conversation series

What are the goals or purposes that motivate, or should motivate American democracy? What should a culture of democracy be aiming at?  

We framed this series as the “End of American Democracy.” And while the “end” can mean democracy’s loss or demise, it can also mean its purpose or goal. In our third and final session of this three-part series, we explored the broader social and cultural aspects of our democracy. We asked participants to discuss the underlying values, beliefs, or mindsets that are at the heart of our democracy. We also asked them to explore the threats to these values, including other, opposing values that weaken our democracy.  Finally, we asked participants what we might build on to better strengthen or sustain those values that are essential for a resilient democracy.

Below we have summarized many of the key ideas discussed and developed by participants in this final session. 

What are some of the essential values or beliefs for a healthy democracy?

What are the threats to these democratic values or what are other beliefs that weaken democracy?  

What might we build on to sustain those values and beliefs that are essential for a resilient democracy?

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