Interactivity Foundation

What IF …? Public Safety, Race, & Society–the Second of Three Conversations

George Floyd protest in Grand Army Plaza, June 7, 2020. By Rhododendrites – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

What are different dimensions of “public safety”?

Since the police killing of George Floyd, there have been uprisings and protests in the streets across the US and around the world. In this three-part Community Conversation Series on Public Safety, Race, and Society we are helping each other explore what these events might reveal about public safety, race, and our society. In our second conversation we explored different ways of understanding what might go into “public safety” and who, or what institutions, might play a role in establishing public safety. We focused on “public safety” to broaden the lens beyond a focus just on policing. We did this to place policing in context–not as an end in itself, but as a way to support community well-being and public safety. We want to encourage reflection on the public goals and purposes that might shape our polices. Below you’ll find a rough summary of ideas that came up in this conversation (notes from the first conversation are here). In these conversations we’re trying to help each other stretch our minds and consider different perspectives, even ones we disagree with, as we share our own.

What’s your ideal vision for community well-being and public safety? That’s what we’ll explore in our upcoming third Community Conversation on August 6 at 1pm-2:15pm EDT (registration here). We will help each other to sketch out our ideal visions for public safety–and what pathways we might take to reach those ideals. We don’t need to agree on our ideal visions–nor on the pathways to them. This is a chance to stretch ourselves beyond the status quo and imagine new possibilities. Doing so can help free us from “analysis paralysis” or a sense of defeatism about positive change. This series, conducted via Zoom, is a collaboration of IONA, the DC Office on Aging, and the Interactivity Foundation.

Different dimensions of public safety

Social dimensions of public safety



Physical or material dimensions of public safety


Personal or psychological dimensions of public safety



Who or what institutions might play a role in public safety?

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