Interactivity Foundation

Why Do People Migrate?

What IF?  A Discussion Summary of the 1st of a series of 4 Online Community Conversations About Migration and Coming to America

This is a summary of the main ideas discussed during our Zoom event on September 17, 2020. It was the first event in our Coming to America discussion series. IF partnered with the Friends of India Association and the Diversity Relations Council at Leisure World in Maryland to organize a series of online community conversations focusing on stories and conversations across generations about immigration. The topic for September was “Why do people migrate?” Five volunteer storytellers from the Friends of India told their stories. Then we broke out into small groups to explore the topic further. These conversations were facilitated by IF facilitators.

Below I share some of the main themes from these conversations. We do not share any specific stories here, partly out of privacy concerns and partly because IF’s focus is on sharing a wide range of ideas. But I have to say that the stories were the beating heart of the whole event.

Below I grouped the main ideas under various headings for ease of reading.

Why Do People Migrate?

America was and still is a Great Place

For Love/Marriage/Family

For Education

Wanting to Change Economic Circumstances

Shifting US Immigration Policy

Challenges Were/Are Real


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