Interactivity Foundation

What IF…? The Future of Sports and Fitness–the First of Four Conversations

Photo by Arisa Chatassa on Unsplash

What are different ways that sports have meaning for us, whether at a personal level or a broader societal level?

The pandemic has made a lot of us think about what’s missing when sports are shut down or when we can’t do our normal fitness or sports activities. Thinking about the impact of sports on different dimensions of our lives was the heart of our explorations in the first of our four-part series of Community Conversations on the Future of Sports and Fitness. We’re aiming to be inclusive, so we’re using the term “sports” broadly to indicate whatever physical or fitness activities the participants think are relevant to consider. (We’re not just talking about team sports or competitive sports.) As always in our conversations, we’re exploring different perspectives collaboratively, helping each other to look at things beyond our own points of view. While a number of our participants started out thinking that there might not be much of importance to talk about with sports, they ended up changing their minds. As you’ll see in the summary below, they concluded that there are a lot of different dimensions to explore when it comes to sports and what they can mean for us as a society and as individuals.

We hope you’ll join these explorations in the second conversation on October 8 at 1pm-2:15 (register at this link):

October 8, 2020:  Sports and fitness for life?

Notes from the Community Conversation

What are different dimensions of sports for us to consider as topics of public or social concern?


Health and wellness


Sports and Development


Ability status


Gender, Sex


Race and Racism






Governance of Sport


Competitive or Elite Sports






Language and Culture


Environment, Climate, and Geography

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