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Just Imagine…the Heroism of Giving Hope

The Tsukamoto family had lost all hope. They owned a grape farm near Sacramento, California. But, as a result of Executive Order 9066, one of the most despicable acts of the federal government, they and other U.S. citizens of Japanese descent were sent to...

Just Imagine… a Transition of Consciousness

In 1903 Virginia Durr was born in Birmingham, Alabama. While she, as a White woman, grew up under the care of an African-American nanny, she was also raised to believe in the racial superiority of Whites. One of her grandfathers was a former enslaver and the other...

Just Imagine…a Senator of Conscience

George Norris was born in 1861 in Ohio. He was the eleventh child of largely poor and uneducated parents. He was able to rise above his start in life and eventually earned a law degree and practiced as an attorney in Nebraska. Norris became active in politics and...

Just Imagine…the Politicization of Science

Trofim Lysenko was born to a peasant family in Ukraine in 1898. He developed an interest in agriculture and graduated from the Kyiv Agricultural Institute. His early interests were finding a way to grow crops in the harsh winters of his homeland. His work in...

Just Imagine…the Neuroscience of Propaganda

Until recently propaganda may have seemed like a matter of throwing mud at a wall to see what sticks. It was effective because financial support enabled a high-volume approach to propaganda. Now, building on neuroscientific research, propaganda can be more targeted...

Just Imagine…Forced Chemical Baths

Just imagine the following: you are on your way to work riding on the local transit system. An official enters the transit system and orders you to get off. You are taken to a facility where you are ordered to remove all your clothes. You are then doused with a...