Collaborative Learning

IF creates and shares resources designed to advance collaborative learning. Our practice-based approach supports individuals to learn with others through guided reflection, mentorship, and continued practice. Explore our Interactive Learning Resources and the Collaborative Discussion Project (CDP). 

Our Impact


Toolkit Visits


Universities and Colleges


Certified IF Coaches

Program Highlights

CDP Toolkit

The toolkit includes more than 50 activities designed by educators and dialogue practitioners to improve creative, critical, culturally responsive, and civic collaborative discussion skills and mindsets.
Explore the Toolkit

CDP Coach Trainings & Community 

Virtual and in-person trainings that certify IF Collaborative Discussion Coaches to offer certificate programs in collaborative discussion and facilitation. Open to educators, students, and civic professionals.
Join the CDP Community

CDP Certificate Programs

Certificate Programs are designed to build collaborative intelligence (CQ). They are offered in classrooms, communities, and workplaces by certified IF Collaborative Discussion Coaches. 
Explore our Featured Programs

Upcoming Collaborative Learning Events

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Subscribe to the Collaborative Discussion Project Newsletter

Get an activity plan in your inbox every week, plus updates about CDP trainings, workshops, gatherings, new toolkit activities, and more!
Become a Certified IF Collaborative Discussion Coach

Become a Certified IF Collaborative Discussion Coach

Join one of our trainings or propose a cohort training to become a certified IF Collaborative Discussion Coach and award certificates!
Become a Coach
Read the most recent CDP Summary Report to learn more

Read the most recent CDP Summary Report to learn more

Take a more in-depth look at the CDP and learn more about how we continue to develop and grow!
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Support for K12 Educators

We offer professional development training for K12 faculty to become collaborative discussion coaches and offer various certificate programs. These programs are designed to equip students with the collaborative discussion skills and mindsets (CQ) needed to promote academic and career success.

Build a culture of dialogue in your classroom, school, and broader community. Learn more about becoming a coach today.

Interactive Learning Resources

Our newest interactive learning resource: Making a Difference Interactive Journal. Support youth in discovering their purpose through guided reflection.