Three weeks ago I visited an immigrant agency in a nearby town to propose the organization of a discussion
group. A Mexican immigrant (and good friend) provided the initial contact.
My exchange with the agency staff was fascinating. I explained the goals of IF, provided web references, and suggested discussing the theme “Helping America Talk.” They expressed great interest in my proposal and then asked, “So, after discussing this, what are we supposed to do?” I had forgotten the pragmatism of immigrant agencies. Their leaders recognize the importance and value of public discussion, but their primary emphasis is “practical” service.
Last week the agency invited me to attend a (Census) workshop. As soon as I reached, the person I had spoken with stressed (once again) interest in collaborating. They also facilitated contact with two individuals: the head of a day care center; and the head of center for “personal development.” Both centers interested in learning more about IF and possibly using the method in their agencies.
My question is: Should I proceed with this? It seems that these local agencies care about dialogue and public discussion among Hispanic sectors. But they want to discuss their own agenda, not necessarily IF themes.
Would this “independent” take off fit IF goals?