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Rewarding Work

Project Manager:

  • Dennis Boyer

End Work by SLWorking2 on Flickr / CC BY-NC-SA

What if citizens had an opportunity to reinvent the world of work? The Rewarding Work discussion guide arose not only from the sense that our hopes and expectations for our work were not always met by existing employment relations and human resources, but also from the sense that forces of globalization, rapid technological innovation, and migration are significantly changing our work and employment. Because these changes are so broad in their effects, the eight policy possibilities of this discussion guide range far beyond conventional notions of “labor law reform” or “employee benefits.”

Rewarding Work invites us to consider these issues broadly, ask what some of the more far-reaching possibilities might be, and consider eight contrasting policy possibilities for the future of our work.


The eight policy possibilities in this discussion guide

A. Sustainability as a Market Framework
B.  Market Incentives to Improve Rewards
C.  Optimal Performance
D.  Enhanced Worker and Citizen Participation
E.  Reinvigorated Regulation to Protect Rewards
F.  Covenant for Social Provision of Basic Human Needs and Rights
G.  Learning about Work: Economic and Civic Literacy
H.  Value and Balance Time.

This discussion guide is currently under revision.  A new edition is expected to be available in early 2020.

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