IF Audiences

December 1, 2010

The Interactivity Foundation (IF) focuses upon three major discussion areas: sanctuary project discussions designed to develop public policy possibilities in our selected areas of concern, public discussions of the contrasting policy possibilities presented in our sanctuary project reports, and student-centered classroom discussions. Our audience generally consists of people who participate in these discussions. And these people are generally interested in the thoughtful exploration, development, and consideration of a wide range of contrasting policy possibilities. They are people who care about public policy, and especially about public policy possibilities for the future. This is a broad demographic group. The following are some of its different, but sometimes overlapping, subgroups.

People who tune in to us: These are generally people who are interested in discussing policy possibilities pertaining to our areas of concern. Many people care about issues related to our areas of concern. If they make the time and effort to participate in our sanctuary projects and public discussions, or to use our discussion process in their classrooms, then they are part of our audience.

People who want to think about (but not necessarily discuss) policy possibilities: There are different kinds of civic engagement, and there are many people who may be interested in reading and thinking about the policy possibilities in our reports, but not necessarily in discussing them. Some of them may not have the time or willingness to discuss them themselves, but may still be interested in hearing other people discuss them.

Civically engaged people: These are people who are actively engaged with policy issues. They read newspapers; listen to NPR; and watch C-SPAN, Fox News, and other media outlets.

Professionals who work within our areas of concern: These people are generally experts and specialists working within our areas of concern, such as health care workers, scientists, food regulators, etc.

People who are interested in our discussion process: These people may include teachers, other education professionals, people working in development, strategists, people who are interested in deliberative processes, and people working with the internal governance processes of various firms.

Policy makers and their staffs: We do not advocate any of the possibilities in our reports, but the content of the possibilities may still be of interest to policy makers and their staffs—especially since they have a professional obligation to consider a range of policy possibilities.

Different political groups: These include Democrats, Republicans, Independents, liberals, moderates, progressives, social conservatives—indeed, the whole range of how people in this country define themselves politically. Our reports present this wide range of possibilities.

Public institutions and other NGO’s that are interested in democratic deliberation: Organizations that promote democratic deliberation may be interested in our work, and we may find areas of mutual interest on which to work.

The education sector: IF promotes student-centered college classroom discussions. So we currently work with selected university faculty members, both in our Summer Institutes and in our JFDP training programs, to use our discussion process in their classrooms. We currently have a special interest in Communication Studies, Political Science, Public Administration, and Industrial Engineering (management). But we are also interested in expanding this category to include middle school and high school teachers and students.

Interested in working with us to bring better discussions to your classroom, community or workplace?

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