Sustained Discussions

The Sustained Discussions Program (SDP) brings together a select group of Visiting Fellows to lead independent, exploratory discussion projects focused on under-examined areas of public concern. Each project produces new discussion tools designed to help others have meaningful conversations.

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Sustained Discussion Projects


Discussion Participants


Discussion Guides

Sustained Discussion Projects

Learning & Society

Imagine a society where everyone is focused on learning over the course of their lifetime. Learning isn’t confined to institutions or certain stages of life. What might this society look like? How do we create it? This project explores these questions through multiple discussion panels with a broad range of stakeholders, ranging from students to seniors.
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Future of Citizenship

What will citizenship of the future look like? More importantly, what do we want it to look like? This project explores these questions by starting from the perspectives of those historically marginalized by the practices, structures, and institutions that define citizenship today.
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Discovering & Nurturing Talent

Just Imagine...a society where every citizen has a talent to share. The discovery of talent begins at an early age and nurturing it is a public responsibility. All people have a right to develop their talents.How do we get to such a place? This project uses experimental discussion methods to explore what it means to discover and develop talent as a human right.
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Innovative Discussion Resources

Sustained Discussion projects will produce a wide range of innovative resources to support exploratory discussions in your community. These resources will be packaged as ready-to-use discussion toolboxes.

IF Discussion Guides

We are proud to make our collection of discussion guides free to use in your classroom or community.