National Civic Review Publishes Article on Chicago Project

May 7, 2020

IF has again received national notice, this time in form of an article entitled “’Infogagement and Chicago’s 2019 City Election” in the winter 2020 edition of the National Civic Review.  The publication describes itself as “one of the oldest civic affairs journals in the United States,” focused on “thoughtful essays on a variety of topics of importance to state and local government officials, community leaders, and civic activists.”  The quarterly is a publication of the National Civic League.  According to the organization’s website, “National Civic League’s founders (including Teddy Roosevelt) focused on two critical topics: finding ways to professionalize local government and advocating for self-government, where residents play a key part in making communities work.”

The article, authored by Research Director Adolf Gundersen and illustrated by Fellow Shannon Wheatley Hartman, tells the story of the collaboration between IF and four other non-profits that infused election coverage of Chicago’s 2019 municipal election with exploratory discussion for tens of thousands of voters.  The full text of the article can be found here:



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