The corona virus hit unexpectedly and hard. We are all affected in some way. And we are all looking for opportunities to connect with family, friends, colleagues, and even ourselves.
The Interactivity Foundation is continuing to create opportunities for people to explore important issues that face our society. We are thus in the mist of a four-part discussion series—Spring Virtual Concert and Conversation Series—about life in the time of corona. Here is what we have discussed so far—and an invitation to join us on May 14th.
In the first conversation, we explored major aspects of our lives and our society that the pandemic has affected and dislocated. We talked about our personal health, our social and economic health, our psychological and cultural differences, and our political leadership. These were rich and thoughtful conversations. Take a closer look at it here.
In the second conversation, we explored some of the values that were challenged or affected by the pandemic, such as empathy, gratitude, communication, access, health, and mobility. We also explored the values that could, or should, inform the ways our society deals with the pandemic and the values that might guide our attempts to emerge from it. Take a closer look here.
In the third conversation, we were thinking about the biggest questions and concerns we might need to address in face of the Covid-19 pandemic, including concerns about our political and economic transformation, and our national and international responses. We also began asking questions that we might have to answer to emerge from the pandemic. See this fascinating list of questions and concerns here.
Please join us for the fourth and final conversation. We will explore some of the different ways to address these major questions and concerns—and some of the different possible ways to move forward. Please register here and join us on May 14th!