I am compelled by Jack’s observations about how far his students’ facilitation skills have come in
just a semester– observations which echo my own in the years I used the IF process in the
classroom as well as those of many of you as told in blog postings and debriefing calls. Jack
wonders what students’ skills might look like if he could work with them for one additional
semester and offers some interesting ideas for ways by which he has helped the students to
garner additional facilitation practice.
IF has given some thought to creating a facilitation certificate that would allow students to
document their skill within a realm that is rarely encouraged or assessed in any direct way
within the academy but which is invaluable in the modern workplace. The question is this:
How could such a certificate be effected? What might it include? How could it work in the
typical university setting? We’d welcome any thoughts or ideas you might have, and so I
wanted to open up a space for faculty to raise any ideas they might have.