Technology & Democracy – exploratory, small-group conversations

May 16, 2021

Please join us online (via Zoom) for three weekly small-group conversations about how technology is enabling democracy and how it is hindering it.

Dates & Times:  Three Thursday evenings from 7 to 8:30 pm (ET) on June 24, July 1, and July 8, 2021.  We are organizing these conversations with the support of IONA Senior Services in Washington, DC.

You can Register for this free online discussion series by completing the Eventbrite registration form at the bottom of this page. Please note that you can scroll down within the form to view and register for all three sessions, which we encourage you to do.

The core question that we will explore in these three online sessions is how is technology enabling democracy and how is it hindering it?  We are also likely to discuss some of these related questions:

  • What is the impact of technology on our personal lives? How does it effect our self-determination and communications?
  • What should be the role of artificial intelligence in our society?
  • What principles should we consider when technology is used in our judicial system?
  • How might we restrict technology when we consider its societal impacts and unintended consequences?
  • What policies could we adopt with regard to technology to make our democracy work better?

This discussion series is inspired by selections from the writings of Dr. Jack Byrd on this topic. We will share these selected brief writings with registered participants before each session.  You can register for this free online series here:

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