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Going Meta

I went to a workshop a few years ago that focused on microteaching as a way to become a better teacher. In microteaching, a group of colleagues takes turns teaching each other something for about five minutes, then they talk about how it worked. I still vividly...

Half Time

Not to go all Drama of the Gifted Child, but I'm feeling decidedly inadequate about posting after reading entries from people like Keally, Laura, and Jack. They seem so professional, and I feel so amateurish. On the plus side, I have learned a lot from your ideas...


My students had their first IF discussion this week. They talked for about 50 minutes, then we spent about 15 minutes debriefing as a group before I met individually with the three facilitators.  I started the debriefing by having them free write to prompts about...

Good Nervous

My IF course makes me nervous. Not flop-sweat nervous like when I tried to teach Song of Myself without  having even glanced at it for several years, but the kind of nervous that's good for someone who's been teaching at the same place for 15 years. My course is an...