January 20, 2015 IF at the Water Ethics Conference IF will participate in and conduct a presentation/demonstration on public discussions of water policy at a Water Ethics Conference held by the D.B Reinhardt Institute for Ethics in Leadership, Viterbo...
July 27, 2011 Teaching How to Think About Policy One of the things that the Interactivity Foundation does is to teach people how to think about public policy possibilities. This will sound patronizing only if you misunderstand why, what,...
June 9, 2011 Interactivity of Ideas There are many different kinds of the interactivity going on in IF public discussions. But the interactivity of ideas is one of the most important ones. Our reports are developed...
January 10, 2011 Great Taste, Less Filling I’ve known it for years: that all great ideas derive from beer—or at least television commercials for beer. Though for my purposes here, perhaps a better version of this slogan...
November 4, 2010 There are policy discussions and then there are policy discussions Election time is probably the time when people hear and talk about policy the most. So you may feel that you have already heard way too much about policy debates...
October 6, 2010 What’s Different About IF Policy Discussions? The Interactivity Foundation (IF) promotes the thoughtful consideration of a wide range of conceptually contrasting policy possibilities in selected areas of concern. One way that we do this is through...
August 14, 2010 What makes IF reports unique? First, IF reports neither make recommendations nor aim for consensus. Most of the public policy reports produced today end with a list of things that must be done to avert...
July 15, 2010 IF Discussion Reports as Lightweight Batons IF’s public discussion Reports are akin to the curricular materials that all teachers rely on—with two critical differences. First, citizens--no less than experts—have a say in what IF Reports say. ...
February 22, 2010 Lessons from Citizens Concerning “Starting Points” in Discussion IF conducts projects that result in reports containing contrasting policy possibilities so that others may have the benefit of “starting points” in their own discussions of policy areas. Presumably, a...