May 25, 2020 Talking About the Constitution For four weeks earlier this year, from late February through early March and just prior to the social distancing and other public safety measures necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the...
June 9, 2011 Interactivity of Ideas There are many different kinds of the interactivity going on in IF public discussions. But the interactivity of ideas is one of the most important ones. Our reports are developed...
June 4, 2011 “Testing” in the IF Discussion Process: Consequences, Values and Purposes IF's Citizen Discussion Reports call on participants in public discussions to "test" conceptual possibilities by exploring their consequences. But this does mean that other considerations are irrelevant to testing. Consider...
April 26, 2011 Connecting IF’s Public Discussions with the Larger Democratic Conversation* In my last entry I described citizen discussion reports as a way to connect sanctuary discussion and public discussion. Here I want to suggest several possible ways in which public...
April 26, 2011 Sanctuary Discussion* At the mention of “citizen discussion,” we tend to conjure up images of rapid-fire, heated exchanges between partisans, often in the glare of the media spotlight. Haste, partisan heat, and...
February 9, 2011 What Makes a Policy Possibility Worthwhile to Discuss? I recently participated in a conference on immigration policy in Washington DC. One of the speakers forestalled criticism by saying that his recommendations were neither new nor original, and that...
February 3, 2011 Extending the Student-Centered Approach to Public Discussions IF’s approach to classroom discussion is “student-centered” both in the sense that students do the facilitating and in the sense that students shoulder much of the responsibility for shaping the...
December 1, 2010 IF Audiences The Interactivity Foundation (IF) focuses upon three major discussion areas: sanctuary project discussions designed to develop public policy possibilities in our selected areas of concern, public discussions of the contrasting...
November 9, 2010 Possibilities as Catalysts to Discussion Within the Interactivity Foundation, and as part of our continuing and internal development, we frequently discuss how to make our conceptual possibilities more “useful” for public discussion. And related to...