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Jeff Prudhomme

Possibilities for the Future of Sports and Society?

What roles do sports play in our society? What roles do we want them to play? Who should have access to sports opportunities? Why might we think of sports as a matter of public concern? What are different ways to shape our sports policy to meet our public goals for...

The Olympics and Society’s Focus on Elite Sports

--Jeff Prudhomme When the Rio summer Olympics roll around in August, billions of viewers around the world will be glued to screens, cheering on some of the world’s greatest athletes. Many of us will root for our nation’s athletes, hoping to see more Gold Medals for...

Exploring the Future of College Sports

By Jeff Prudhomme What are different ways to imagine the future of college sports? What could be different ways of organizing college athletics? Those were the key questions that animated a workshop led by IF Vice President and Fellow Jeff Prudhomme at Drexel...

The Chinese Connection with Wesleyan

Wesleyan has entered into a dual-degree program with Guangzhou (GU), which will bring a group of GU students to Wesleyan each year. This experience is supposed to replicate the experience of a Wesleyan education for the exchange students. The Wesleyan faculty...