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Small Groups, Duh

So in my IF-supported class this week, Art: I Know it When I See It, we continued our class discussion focusing on possible responses to the question "What is art?".  Last week they came up with two potential responses (note that I'm avoiding the word "answers" - I...

Trusteeing the Process

On Sunday I spent about 90 minutes at a retreat for the Board of Trustees of a local private school.  I served on this Board for the past three years, so I was already familiar with the personalities and issues the Board faces.  I brought my markers &...

Dealing with Personalities

I'm into week two of my IF-oriented course, and I' m learning more everyday.  On Tuesday we had our first official IF-style discussion.  I had to bite my tongue often as I suspected, and allow them to generate ideas.  I could think of half a dozen objections to...

Day One

Hi everyone, Back in that first week of August, when it seemed we all the time in the world to reflect on our teaching, our courses, and the IF process, I volunteered to blog weekly about my Fall course.  The reality of the semester has hit, but it looks like...