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Pete Shively

Just-In-Time Exploratory Public Discussion

IF Fellows Dennis Boyer and Adolf Gundersen have just published an essay, Just-In-Time Exploratory Public Discussion, through the Journal of Public Deliberation. A synopsis from the Journal's website: This essay describes a case study that successfully dealt [with]...

Then I Took an Arrow to the Knee

The complete quote of course—now laughably familiar to my boys and all other Skyrim players—is “I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.” The viral and self-mocking ubiquity of this gaming meme led me to wonder just what is so...

Discussion Impossible

A few weeks back I participated in a public discussion on education policy. It didn't go very well. In fact, the experience served more as a cautionary tale or a lesson in what not to do rather than as an opportunity for honest and robust interaction on this...

Room For Growth

“Leaving something incomplete makes it interesting and gives one the feeling that there is room for growth.” Kenko (Buddhist monk), from Essays in Idleness, circa 1330 I’ve been thinking a lot about this notion as I struggle with a final round of edits on a new...