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Pete Shively

The Invention Mob

A recent NY Times article, "The Invention Mob," highlights recent trends toward "community-based innovation" or "collaborative crowdsourcing" as both a business model and an alternative approach to conventional, corporate, and costly in-house R&D for invention...

Regulation and Payday Lending

This recent New York Times' article about proposed federal regulations for the Payday lending industry, Consumer Protection Agency Seeks Limits on Payday Lenders, highlights some of the behind-the-scenes battles in this sector.  While the article describes some of...

Two New Discussion Guides

The Interactivity Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of two new discussion guides. On the Move:  The Future Mobility of People, Products, and Ideas, edited by IF Fellow Shannon Wheatley Hartman, is available to view online and for download as a pdf ...

Changes in Punishment: “Ban the Box” and More

Two recent NYTimes' articles highlight a larger and significant shift in penal policy in the United States: various legislative measures to "Ban the Box" that otherwise require job applicants to disclose any criminal history:  "“There’s...

The Nation’s Newspapers Continue to Cut Jobs

This article in today's New York Times--announcing that they are cutting 100 more newsroom positions--highlights the continuing challenges that newspapers face as they adjust to a changing news market and related demographic and technological shifts in how...

NCDD 2014: Democracy for the Next Generation

The National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD) is coming to the DC area this October 17-19 (Fri through Sun) at the Hyatt Regency Reston. The conference will bring together 400+ of the most active and influential people involved in public engagement...