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communication skills

Democratic Deliberations and Self-Interest

I am currently taking a special topics course on Citizenship Learning, Participatory Democracy, and Social Change.  Even before starting the course, I knew I would be able to link much of what is studied in the class to things I have learned through my involvement...

Scheduling a Student Discussion using Doodle

As I was digging through old posts, I would like to add my thoughts to the topic “setting up student discussions” 18 months ago. I am particularly going to recommend the website for scheduling. Scheduling an event and selecting a topic is very time...

How to Evaluate an IF Policy Possibility—Part 2

Once you have a basic understanding of the policy possibility---what it says and what it doesn’t---the next step is to understand why someone might actually propose it. In order to do this, you will typically need to go beyond the description of the policy...

How to Evaluate an IF Policy Possibility⎯Part 1

The first step, of course, is to understand the possibility: what it says and what it doesn’t. This almost inevitably means reading the description of the possibility, and the reasoning behind it, and paying attention to the words that describe it. We did this the...