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discussion process

Possibilities as Catalysts to Discussion

Within the Interactivity Foundation, and as part of our continuing and internal development, we frequently discuss how to make our conceptual possibilities more “useful” for public discussion. And related to that ongoing discussion, we’ve had a number of recent...

What’s a Conceptual Policy Possibility?

Interactivity Foundation Project Discussions aim at generating contrasting conceptual policy possibilities with the hopes of expanding and enriching public thinking about a complex area of social and political concern. You might think of a “policy” as providing a...

A Touch of Humility

Notwithstanding my desires and self-delusions to the contrary, I’m not always right.  My wife, children, and co-workers can and will—with only minor prompting—attest to this all too obvious fact.  For further proof one need only review any of my failed attempts at...

Reaching the Open Minds

One of the things I learned from being a collaborative partner in the application of IF process to a series of independent policy explorations of contentious subject matter is that it is difficult to broach conceptual possibilities when so many minds are already...

How to Evaluate an IF Policy Possibility⎯Part 1

The first step, of course, is to understand the possibility: what it says and what it doesn’t. This almost inevitably means reading the description of the possibility, and the reasoning behind it, and paying attention to the words that describe it. We did this the...