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Ieva Notturno

LGBTQ+ Experiences of Prom Over 7 Decades

Session 3 of a Film & Conversation Series on LGBTQ+ Generations On November 18th, we watched Take Me to Prom, a short film about LGBTQ+ experiences of the adolescent milestone of prom through personal stories spanning 70 years. After the film, we split into...

Gender, Sexuality, and Fatherhood

Session 2 of a Film & Conversation Series on LGBTQ+ Generations On November 12th, we watched Tell-By Date, a short film about a trans father who struggles with telling his young son that he is not his biological father and finds that he must also confront his...

The Power of Changing Conversations

Films & Conversation Series Exploring LGBTQ+ Conversations Across Generations On Friday afternoon, November 5th, we convened the first of three films and conversations events about LGBTQ+ Generations. Without being too "meta" about it, in this first session we...

Photo by Max Böhme on Unsplash

Jim Burke Shares his Experience Volunteering with IF

Jim Burke volunteered as a facilitator with the Interactivity Foundation during January-February 2021. I talked with Jim afterwards about what inspired him to volunteer, what it was like to facilitate IF discussions, and democracy in general. I asked Jim what...

Why Do People Migrate?

What IF?  A Discussion Summary of the 1st of a series of 4 Online Community Conversations About Migration and Coming to America This is a summary of the main ideas discussed during our Zoom event on September 17, 2020. It was the first event in our Coming to...