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Agri-Culture & Future Farming

Imagine you are a farmer of the future. You produce food, fiber, or biofuel. Are you driving a tractor or sitting at a control panel (or both)? Do your crops reach as far as the eye can see, or do you manage smaller plots of land...

Freshwater for the Future

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Project Managers/Facilitators:  Dennis Boyer & Shannon Wheatley Hartman Project Update (January 29, 2016):  This project’s final discussion report, Freshwater For The Future (32 pages/841 KB), is now available to view online...

Human Impact on Climate Change

Project Manager - Dennis Boyer This project is devoted to developing possibilities to address human activities that impact global climate. IF Fellow Dennis Boyer spent three years as a collaborative partner in online discussions of the outcomes of various...

The Future of Energy

Editors -Dennis Boyer and  Adolf Gundersen The development of this Public Discussion Report differed from the typical sanctuary project discussions that IF uses to generate its discussion reports. This project developed informally among initial online panels (one...

Food: What Might be for Dinner?

Project Manager – Pete Shively What’s for dinner? Most of us think about this question every day—especially as we get hungry in the late afternoon.  But we also might consider this question more broadly, from the viewpoint of our overall society.  What decisions...

Shaping Our Towns & Cities

Project Manager – Jeff Prudhomme   Why do we live where we live? What attracts us to certain towns or neighborhoods? Why are our communities designed the way they are? What might the future hold in store? This discussion project explored the forces and...